
The Locket Horcrux

Everything you need to know Horcruxes is below.

What is a Horcrux?

A Horcrux is a piece of a soul which has been torn apart. It is the vilest act you can commit. Normally you break your soul by committing a horrific act such as intentional murder and an incantation. You store the piece of soul in an object, usually something valuable or close to you.

the Diadem of Ravenclaw

You can destroy a Horcrux by putting it beyond magical repair. Very few things are destructive enough to destroy a Horcrux. Those that can are very rare or very dangerous. For example; Basilisk venom and Fiend fire.

How can you put your soul back together?

To put your soul back together you have to have remorse. You have to really feel what you’ve done. Sometimes the pain of it can kill you.

Where can you learn the incantation to make a Horcrux?

In the book, Secrets of the Darkest Art.

What are Voldemort’s Horcruxes and where are they hidden?

 Dairy: Ginny Weasley was possesed by the diary in the Chamber of Secrets. Destroyed by Harry Potter.

Ring: Hidden in the ruins of the Gaunt’s shack. Destroyed by Albus Dumbledore.

Locket: Hidden in the cave. Destroyed by Ron Weasley.

Diadem: Hidden in the Room of Requirement. Destroyed by Vincent Crabbe.

Cup: Hidden in Gringotts. Destroyed by Hermione Granger.

Nagini: Voldemorts Snake. Destroyed by Neville Longbottom.

Here is the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Horcruxes Trailer;

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1 Response to Horcruxes

  1. ethan i says:

    sup John grrrrrreeeaaaat website AWSOME!!! 🙂 =D

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